Current pipe tobacco prices and varieties in Italy - page 12

Ordered by price (click to order by name)

Product namePackagingPrice €
Al Oustura 250 Grammi Clg 250 g/8.82 oz
Al Oustura 250 Grammi Ang 250 g/8.82 oz
Robert Mc Connell Special London Mature 50 g/1.76 oz
Robert Mc Connell Maduro 50 g/1.76 oz
Robert Mc Connell Ready Rubbed 50 g/1.76 oz
Robert Mc Connell Piccadilly Circus 50 g/1.76 oz
Robert Mc Connell Oxford Street 50 g/1.76 oz
Robert Mc Connell Oriental 50 g/1.76 oz
Robert Mc Connell Marylebone 50 g/1.76 oz
Robert Mc Connell Boutique Blend 50 g/1.76 oz
Robert Mc Connell Black & Gold 50 g/1.76 oz
Robert Mc Connell St.james Park 50 g/1.76 oz
Robert Mc Connell Scottish Blend 50 g/1.76 oz
Robert Mc Connell Regent Street 50 g/1.76 oz
Robert Mc Connell Red Virginia 50 g/1.76 oz


Product namePackagingPrice €
Robert Mc Connell Pure Latakia 50 g/1.76 oz
Robert Mc Connell Paddington 50 g/1.76 oz
Robert Mc Connell Oriental Square 50 g/1.76 oz
Robert Mc Connell Notting Hill 50 g/1.76 oz
Robert Mc Connell Latakia Mixture 1848 50 g/1.76 oz
Robert Mc Connell Glen Piper 50 g/1.76 oz
Robert Mc Connell Covent Garden 50 g/1.76 oz
Robert Mc Connell 5 Year Matured Virginia 50 g/1.76 oz
Rattray's Black Mallory 50 g/1.76 oz
Rattray's 7 Reserve Medium 50 g/1.76 oz
Lubinsky Maxima Mixture 100 g/3.53 oz
Lubinsky Superba Mixture 100 g/3.53 oz
Timm London Blend 1000 100 g/3.53 oz
Milonga 100 g/3.53 oz
Solani Blend 333 50 g/1.76 oz



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However our datas are based on the following table "Pipe tobacco - 10/09/2024", published by the Institutional Portal of the Excise, Customs and Monopolies Agency, but our site is for information purposes only!
You can find the current official table on the Institutional Portal of the Excise, Customs and Monopolies Agency.

We are not recommending and/or selling tobacco products. Smoking is harmful for your health!

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