Current cigar and cigarillo prices and varieties in Spain - page 6

Ordered by name (click to order by price)

Product namePrice
(€ each)
AL CAPONE Gold (El envase de 10) 3.00
AL CAPONE Pockets (El envase de 10) 1.70
AL CAPONE Pockets Filter (4) 0.30
AL CAPONE Pockets Filter (El envase de 10) 3.00
AL CAPONE Pockets Filter (el envase de 18) 5.30
AL CAPONE Pockets Rich Aroma (El envase de 3) 0.70
AL CAPONE Pockets Sun Blend (El envase de 10) 3.00
AL CAPONE Pockets Sun Blend (el envase de 18) 5.30
AL CAPONE Sun Blend (4) 0.30
AL CAPONE Sweets Filter (El envase de 10) 3.35
ALBATROS Brevas (25) 0.50
ALBATROS Coronas (25) 1.65
ALBATROS Dorados (20) 2.40
ALBATROS Elegantes (20) 3.00
ALBATROS Mini (20) 0.20


Product namePrice
(€ each)
ALBATROS Tubular (20) 1.95
ALBERO Cigarritos 0.25
ALBERO Cigarritos CM 0.20
ALBERO Coronas Especiales 2.40
ALBERO Nº 1 2.55
ALBERO Nº 1 CM 2.05
ALBERO Toros 2.60
ALBORAN Epicure (25) 3.40
ALBORAN Gran Corona (20) 3.15
ALBORAN Habaneros 2.60
ALEC BRADLEY Nica Puro Bajito (20) 5.05
ALEC BRADLEY Tempus Imperator (20) 6.55
ALEC BRADLEY Tempus Magnus (20) 6.80
ALEC BRADLEY Alec Bradley Black Market Punk (24) 6.30
ALEC BRADLEY Alec Bradley Black Market Robusto (24) 8.60



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However our datas are based on the table "Tobacco market. Prices of products. Latest Resolution of Prices: 22-02-2025" published by the Institutional Portal of the Ministry of Finance, but our site is for information purposes only!
You can find the current official table on the Institutional Portal of the Ministry of Finance's website.

We are not recommending and/or selling tobacco products. Smoking is harmful for your health!

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