Current cigar and cigarillo prices and varieties in Spain - page 78

Ordered by price (click to order by name)

Product namePrice
(€ each)
VEGAFINA Vegafina 1998 VF44S (10) CM
VEGAFINA Vegafina 1998 VF44S (25) CM
AUGUSTO REYES Emperador César (12)
BALBOA Azul Corona
BREÑAS CUBANAS Naturales (25)
CHARATAN Bavaros (25)
CHARATAN Demitasse (25)
HOLLANDIA Cigarritos (El envase de 20) CM
AMIGOS Amigos Minutos Original (El envase de 20) CM
AMIGOS Amigos Minutos Red (El envase de 20) CM
AMIGOS Amigos Minutos White (El envase de 20) CM
AUGUSTO REYES Grand Cru Robusto (20)
AUGUSTO REYES Maduro Robusto (20)
CALYPSO Dannemann Mini Moods (El envase de 10)
CALYPSO Dannemann Moods Filter (El envase de 12)


Product namePrice
(€ each)
CLUBMASTER Mini Blue (El envase de 20) CM
CLUBMASTER Mini Brown (el envase de 20) CM
CLUBMASTER Mini Nº 121 Sum (El Envase de 20) CM
CLUBMASTER Mini Red 232 (El Envase de 20) CM
COSTA Coronas (25)
CRUZ CONDE Churchill
CUSANO Lonsdale (16)
DANNEMANN MOODS Filter Bahia (el envase de 10)
DANNEMANN MOODS Silver (el envase de 10)
DARIO 1916 Principe (25)
DARIO Lotes Reservados N7 Toro (5)
DUX Maior (El Envase de 10)
EL CRIOLLITO El Criollito Puritos Latas (30)
FLOR DE COPÁN Flor de Copán Perla (25)



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However our datas are based on the table "Tobacco market. Prices of products. Latest Resolution of Prices: 08-03-2025" published by the Institutional Portal of the Ministry of Finance, but our site is for information purposes only!
You can find the current official table on the Institutional Portal of the Ministry of Finance's website.

We are not recommending and/or selling tobacco products. Smoking is harmful for your health!

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