Current pipe tobacco prices and varieties in Spain - page 41

Ordered by price (click to order by name)

Product namePackaging Price
(€ each)
Overdozz Sex With an Ex CM 50 g / 1.76 oz
Overdozz Summer Fling Picadura Shisha Lata CM 50 g / 1.76 oz
Overdozz Tease Um CM 50 g / 1.76 oz
Overdozz Wild Night Out Picadura Shisha Lata CM 50 g / 1.76 oz
Overdozz Zero Gravity Picadura Shisha Lata CM 50 g / 1.76 oz
Sacramento 40 g / 1.41 oz
Sailor´s Pride Blond Virginia 40 g / 1.41 oz
Sailor´s Pride Blossom Gold 40 g / 1.41 oz
Sailor´s Pride English Delight 40 g / 1.41 oz
Sailor´s Pride Kentucky 40 g / 1.41 oz
Sailor´s Pride Mon Cheri 40 g / 1.41 oz
Vipo Hookah Tobacco Crazy Dush 50 g / 1.76 oz
Vipo Hookah Tobacco Double Double 50 g / 1.76 oz
Vipo Hookah Tobacco Heavens's Love 50 g / 1.76 oz
Vipo Hookah Tobacco La Bocanada 50 g / 1.76 oz


Product namePackaging Price
(€ each)
Vipo Hookah Tobacco Love 69 50 g / 1.76 oz
Vipo Hookah Tobacco Love Me-Not 50 g / 1.76 oz
Vipo Hookah Tobacco Mount Etna 50 g / 1.76 oz
Vipo Hookah Tobacco Pink Ribbon 50 g / 1.76 oz
Vipo Hookah Tobacco Rainbow Shocker 50 g / 1.76 oz
Vipo Hookah Tobacco Red Lava 50 g / 1.76 oz
Vipo Hookah Tobacco Snow Dash 50 g / 1.76 oz
Vipo Hookah Tobacco Sumbawa 50 g / 1.76 oz
Vipo Hookah Tobacco Tango Twist 50 g / 1.76 oz
Vipo Hookah Tobacco T-Max 50 g / 1.76 oz
Vipo Hookah Tobacco Wavy Winds 50 g / 1.76 oz
Vipo Hookah Tobacco Winter Toss 50 g / 1.76 oz
Vipo Hookah Tobacco Xoxo 50 g / 1.76 oz
Vipo Hookah Tobacco Yelow Stone 50 g / 1.76 oz
Vipo Hookah Tobacco Zero Lift 50 g / 1.76 oz



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However our datas are based on the table "Tobacco market. Prices of products. Latest Resolution of Prices: 01-02-2025" published by the Institutional Portal of the Ministry of Finance, but our site is for information purposes only!
You can find the current official table on the Institutional Portal of the Ministry of Finance's website.

We are not recommending and/or selling tobacco products. Smoking is harmful for your health!

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