Current cigarillo prices and varieties in Hungary - page 5

Ordered by name (click to order by price)

WestWest Mentol Szivarka 1010 pcs
WestWest Coral Szivarka 1010 pcs
WinstonWinston Cigarillos Purple19 pcs
WinstonWinston Cigarillos Mentol19 pcs
WinstonWinston Cigarillos (piros)10 pcs
WinstonWinston Option Blue Cigarillos (mentol kapszula)10 pcs
WinstonWinston Option Purple Cigarillos (erd.gyüm.kapsz)10 pcs



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However our datas are based on the table "Alkalmazható dohánygyártmány kiskereskedelmi eladási árak 2024. szeptember 2-től" published by SZTFH, but our site is for information purposes only!
You can find the current official table on the SZTFH's website.

We are not recommending and/or selling tobacco products. Smoking is harmful for your health!
*: HUF to € conversion was made on 2024-09-01, based on's daily average.

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