Current Pipe tobacco prices and varieties in Hungary - page 9

Ordered by price (click to order by name)

StanwellStanwell Melange50g/1.76oz
StanwellStanwell Vanilla Sungold50g/1.76oz
AlsboAlsbo Sungold50g/1.76oz
AlsboAlsbo Ruby50g/1.76oz
PetersonPeterson Wild Atlantik40g/1.41oz
PetersonPeterson Connemara Black40g/1.41oz
PetersonPeterson Irish Dew40g/1.41oz
PetersonPeterson Aran Mixture40g/1.41oz
DunhillDunhill Ready Rubb50g/1.76oz
DunhillDunhill Aperitif50g/1.76oz
DunhillDunhill Durbar Mix50g/1.76oz
DunhillDunhill Royal Yacht50g/1.76oz
DunhillDunhill London Mix50g/1.76oz
DunhillDunhill Night Cap50g/1.76oz
DunhillDunhill Stand. Mix50g/1.76oz
Mac BarenAmphora Burgundy 50G50g/1.76oz
WO LarsenWO Larsen Golden dream50g/1.76oz
Th.R.S.FantasyTh.R.S.Fantasy 50g50g/1.76oz
PetersonPeterson Early Morning pipe50g/1.76oz



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However our datas are based on the table "Alkalmazható dohánygyártmány kiskereskedelmi eladási árak 2024. szeptember 2-től" published by SZTFH, but our site is for information purposes only!
You can find the current official table on the SZTFH's website.

We are not recommending and/or selling tobacco products. Smoking is harmful for your health!
*: HUF to € conversion was made on 2024-09-01, based on's daily average.

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