Current cigarillo prices and varieties in Italy - page 1

Ordered by price (click to order by name)

Product namePackagingPrice €
Moods Silver Filter 3 3
Al Capone Flame Filter 2 2
Mini Moods Double Filter 2 2
Moods Sunshine Filter 2 2
Al Capone Sunset Filter 2 2
Silverado Duo Red 2
Silverado Duo V 2
Moods Long Filter 2 2
Swisher Sapphire 2
Swisher Amber 2
Swisher Amethyst 2
Swisher Diamond 2
Swisher Classic 2
Handelsgold Purple 3 3
Handelsgold Sun 3 3


Product namePackagingPrice €
Handelsgold Blue 3 3
Al Capone Pockets Filter 3 3
Handelsgold White 3 3
Handelsgold White 4 4
Al Capone Pockets Red Filter 3 3
Handelsgold Blue 4 4
Cubero 3 Red Mini Cigarillos 3
Signature Finos Filter Beige 3 Cigarillos 3
Cubero 3 Red Mini Filter Cigarillos 3
Handelsgold Purple 4 4
Cubero 3 Red Filter Cigarillos 3
Handelsgold Apl 3 3
Al Capone Pockets Gold Filter 3 3
Cafe' Creme 01 Filter Brown 3 3
Cafe' Creme 02 Filter Beige 3 3



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However our datas are based on the following table "Cigarillo - 27/08/2024", published by the Institutional Portal of the Excise, Customs and Monopolies Agency, but our site is for information purposes only!
You can find the current official table on the Institutional Portal of the Excise, Customs and Monopolies Agency.

We are not recommending and/or selling tobacco products. Smoking is harmful for your health!

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