Current cigar and cigarillo prices and varieties in Spain - page 56

Ordered by price (click to order by name)

Product namePrice
(€ each)
H.W. CAFÉ CRÈME Filter & Flavour Vanilla Honeyswirl 10 (El envase de 10) CM
H.W. CAFÉ CRÈME Filter & Flavour Espresso Rumtwis 10 (El envase de 10) CM
H.W. CAFÉ CRÈME Filter & Flavour Caramel Cream 10 (El envase de 10) CM
BRAVO Blue American Blend Capa Natural C17 (El envase de 17)
BRAVO Negro Capa Natural (El envase de 17)
BRAVO Red American Blend Capa Natural C17 (El envase de 17)
BREAK Negro (El envase de 17)
BUNDLE Selection Lonsdale (16)
BURTON Original Red Filter (el envase de 17)
ALVARO Reserva
GOLD Seal (el envase de 10)
DENIM Red Filter Cigar (el envase de 17)
CIBAO Perla 4 1/8x40 (20)
JOCKEY Red Filter Cigar (El envase de 17)
JOCKEY Green Filter Cigar (El envase de 17)


Product namePrice
(€ each)
JOCKEY Blue Filter Cigar (El envase de 17)
DON SIXTO Corona (26)
DON JOSE Premiun Robusto (10)
DON JOSÉ Don José Nº2 5 3/4x50 (20)
DON JOSE Don José Nº 2 5 3/4x50 (10)
MADRIGAL Gordo 6x60 (20)
MONTE ALBAR Tesoros (20)
MONTE NEGRO Serie Oro Edición Especial (24)
NEOS Exotic Red (el envase de 10)
PLACERES Cigarrito con filtro American Blend (El envase de 17)
PLACERES Serie Roja Lata Humidor Grandes (25)
SCHIZO Robusto 5x50 (20)
LA FINCA No 5 (25) CM
MONTE ALBAR Placeres (24)
MONTE NEGRO Cristales Número 3 (24)



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However our datas are based on the table "Tobacco market. Prices of products. Latest Resolution of Prices: 08-03-2025" published by the Institutional Portal of the Ministry of Finance, but our site is for information purposes only!
You can find the current official table on the Institutional Portal of the Ministry of Finance's website.

We are not recommending and/or selling tobacco products. Smoking is harmful for your health!

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