Current cigar and cigarillo prices and varieties in Spain - page 57

Ordered by price (click to order by name)

Product namePrice
(€ each)
PEÑAMIL Oro N.17 (4)
THE WORLD TABACS The World Tabacs Julieta M (25)
THE WORLD TABACS The World Tabacs Wide Robusto M (25)
AGIO Mehari's Tradición (el envase de 14) CM
AMIGOS Pocket Filters AB (El envase de 17)
BREAK Blue (el envase de 17) CM
BREAK Original (el envase de 17) CM
BREAK Pure Red (El envase de 17)
BREAK Silver (el envase de 17) CM
CAPOTE Número 1
CASAVIEJA Casinos (25)
CONDAL N.3 (4)
DOTS For Fun (El envase de 17)
EL CRIOLLITO Half Corona Mazo (20) CM
FARIAS Mini (El Envase de 10) CM


Product namePrice
(€ each)
FARIAS Mini Filter (El Envase de 10)
HERENCIA PALMERA Brevas (el envase de 5)
BLACK DEVIL Sunset Filter (el envase de 20)
BREÑAS CUBANAS Coronas (5x5)
BUCANERO Robustos (25)
BUNDLE Selection Churchill (16) CM
CASA PEREDA Robusto M25 (25)
COLONIAL DAN TOBACCO Liga de Roy Goleta (20)
DENIM Denim Arctic Blue Filter Cigar (El envase de 17)
DENIM Denim Crystal Purple Filter Cigar (El envase de 17)
DENIM Denim Frozen Green Filter Cigar (El envase de 17)
DJ Gordito (15)
DON JOSE Don José Pirámides 6x52 (10)
DON JOSÉ Don José Pirámides 6x52 (20)
DON TOMAS Bundle Gigante (10)



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However our datas are based on the table "Tobacco market. Prices of products. Latest Resolution of Prices: 08-03-2025" published by the Institutional Portal of the Ministry of Finance, but our site is for information purposes only!
You can find the current official table on the Institutional Portal of the Ministry of Finance's website.

We are not recommending and/or selling tobacco products. Smoking is harmful for your health!

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